Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brave or Stupid?

Brave or Stupid? You Decide


MeMe in Paradise! said...

My vote is for - adventurous....... Turkeys are sorta known for their pea size brain... and maybe they think there is safety in numbers.... and wild turkeys do have their flying ability - up to 55MPH - so maybe my vote should be "Tormenters" cuz they know thy can fly away.
Love 2 u both

Tiffany said...

It isn't like you got between the coyote and its food, so I don't think it is stupid. What was it eating at near the water? Did it get itself a turkey?

M and M said...

Wasn't by the water, was by the big tree straight out from the study. He was eating the bird seed muriel had put out for the birds, squirrels and turkeys.


Mike ;
the whole time I was saying please don't let the coyote get the turkeys, but I guess the reality is they both live in the wild and must both survive. I always thought turkey were stupid, but guess it is in the eye of the beholder. they seem to be having fun teasing the coyote

Shannon, Ray and Hayden said...

I vote for thrill seeking! They are turkeys that are addicted to the adrenaline rush! Its like bungee jumping for birds!

Shea said...

Bungee Jumping for birds..I love it Shannon!